It’s OK To Gain Weight As I Get Older? Not Really

 I jogged 15km a week, so why did I keep getting fatter?I found myself becoming part of the overweight statistics in the early 2010s. I was gaining weight every year and I had to keep buying bigger work pants. It was puzzling. I jogged 15km a week, so why did I keep...

AshiSlim is now upgraded!

AshiSlim is now added with Garcinia Cambogia to enhance its function!     We are providing a more complete weight loss solution:   ● Appetite suppressor Garcinia cambogia is a source of hydroxycitric acid (HCA). HCA suppresses appetite by increasing...


男士們的腰圍和女士一樣都有一個標準。世界衛生組織給男性的腰圍做了限定,腰圍不能大於90厘米,也就是2尺7,如果大於了這個數子,那麼就準備著開始減肥了。大肚子的男人在街上隨處可見。那麼,啤酒肚是怎麼形成的呢? 啤酒肚形成的原因 1、脂肪囤積 醫學科學家通過研究證實,形成「啤酒肚」原因有三條:脂肪堆積、腹脹和腹水。腹脹和腹水屬於病理性改變,應及時到醫院檢查治療,而脂肪堆積大多是因飲食不當或缺乏體育鍛鍊造成的。不加節制地進食高脂肪、高熱量食物、缺乏運動才是導致「啤酒肚」的真正原因。 2、啤酒過量...


1.改善脂肪代謝,控制體重、對抗肥胖。   根據PubMed,臨床調查已經得出: 【PubMed是美國國家醫學圖書館(NLM)下屬的國家生物技術信息中心(NCBI)所開發的免費搜尋引擎,提供生物醫學方面的論文搜尋以及摘要查詢。 】 明日葉查尓酮中的20種黃酮類物質中的2種:4-hydroxyderricin(羥基德里辛)和xanthoangelol(黃色當歸醇),在減少內臟脂肪和皮下脂肪的過程中,具有『侵略性』行動(簡單說就是卓有成效)。如果你想選擇一種健康的方式來減肥,請把明日葉查耳酮列入其中。...

內臟脂肪 – 隱形肥胖殺手!

有關於肥胖的最新研究表明,內臟脂肪型肥胖將嚴重威脅生命!   內臟脂肪是什麼? 內臟脂肪並不是表面意義上的長在內臟中的脂肪,更不是我們以往理解的『肥肉』,而是圍繞在器官周圍的一種脂肪。 它的居所:主要存在於腹腔內,很難排除 它的顏色:白色 它的分類:與皮下脂肪一樣,內臟脂肪同樣屬於三酸甘油酯(人體的脂肪分為脂肪酸、三酸甘油脂、膽固醇、磷脂,而三酸甘油脂佔有體內脂肪的九成。而我們減肥要減的就是三酸甘油脂) 想知道自己的內臟是不是很『胖』? 就讓以下這幾點來告訴你: 你的腰部囤積了過多脂肪,各種瘦腰法都無濟於事。...

貧血的最佳自然療法 — 甜菜根

貧血是血液中紅細胞數量較低,導致血液計數較低的一種症狀。當紅細胞中不含足夠的血紅蛋白時,就會發生這種情況。血紅蛋白是富含鐵的蛋白質,使血液呈紅色。 紅細胞數量越少意味著越少的氧氣進入人體組織,進而缺氧導致貧血。 以下是貧血的症狀: 疲勞 虛弱 面色蒼白 精力減少 呼吸急促 心悸 這類貧血通常稱為缺鐵性貧血並且可以自然糾正。而甜菜根是最好的超級食物可以幫助增加鐵攝入量,自然改善血紅蛋白。甜菜根含有豐富的鐵,有助於改善血液和血液流量。...



Excess Visceral Fat is Affecting Your Health

 Visceral fat is technically excess intra-abdominal adipose tissue accumulation. It is known as a “deep” fat that is stored further underneath the skin than “subcutaneous” belly fat. It is a form of gel-like fat that is wrapped around internal organs, including the...

Protection From The Effects of Haze

Haze Composition According to a study of the chemical composition of haze conducted in Peninsular Malaysia (Malacca & Klang Valley), there is a significant increase in free radicals like cations (NH4+, Na2+, Ca2+, K+, Mg2+), anions (NO3−, SO42−, Cl−) and heavy...

Eye Strain and Computer Vision Syndrome

Beware Of Tired Eyes For those who spend long hours looking at a computer screen, eye strain is a common problem.  You are at risk of developing computer vision syndrome (CVS) if you use the computer frequently for work, studies or play. This is an increasing problem...

Menopause Natural Remedies

Menopause is the 12 months time frame after your last menstrual period that marks the end of menstrual cycles. Normally, menopause can happen in some time in your 40s or 50s, In this region (Malaysia and Singapore), the average age is around 49 to 51. Menopause is a...

Food Poisoning

You can probably think of a number of micro organisms which are perfectly harmless and live naturally in some foods, for example lactobacilli, which are used when converting milk to yogurt, and the mold in blue cheeses,  which are non-toxic. However, there are some...

Food Safety

People no longer only consume food which they have grown themselves. Most of the time, we do not know the processes our food goes through from when its first grown to when we actually buy it. We rely on supermarkets and other retailers to provide us with our food...

Nutrition For Elderly People

As people now live longer than previous generations, the idea of the “elderly” has changed considerably. If they have consumed a well-balanced diet throughout their lives, then older people may find that they are less at risk of certain cancers and...
  • OptiVue
  • Bought by Nur Diyana Ooi from Subang Jaya
  • AshiSlim
  • Bought by Anne from Kuala Lumpur
Organic Ashitaba Aojiru Dynamic Nutrition
  • AshiSlim
  • Bought by Bryan from Johor Bahru
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