How Deos Enzymes Increase Metabolism And Appetite?

Enzymes are essential for the normal functioning of the body’s metabolism, which involves the conversion of food into energy and the building of new tissues. Enzymes are involved in every metabolic process in the body, including the breakdown of carbohydrates,...

Cordyceps – The World’s Most Expensive Fungus

   What is Cordyceps?The name cordyceps describes a genus of fungi that includes more than 400 unique species of parasitic types. Fungi are essential parts of many ecosystems, but this particular genus also has a great deal of importance for people, as it has been...

Is Your Digestive System Working Well?

The function of our digestive system is digesting food and absorbing the necessary nutrients.It also helps our body to get rid of the waste materials and toxins. Normally, the gastrointestinal tract performs the function of digestion well, however, sometimes people...

Top 7 Benefits Of Kefir

Kefir is a fermented milk drink that originates from the Caucasus Mountains. It’s similar to yogurt, except that it contains carbon dioxide, which is the final byproduct of the fermentation process. Unlike yogurt, kefir is the result of the eponymous grains...

Pineapples Can “Eat” You Too

It is com­mon knowl­edge that peo­ple di­gest food to get en­er­gy. At first glance, this seems to be a one-way process. Cu­ri­ous­ly enough, there are also some fruits which can have a de­struc­tive ef­fect on the tis­sues of our body. Of course, they can­not di­gest...

Papaya Enzymes (Papain)- Natural Remedy For Heartburn

Papain is an enzyme found naturally in the fruit of the papaya plant (Carica papaya). The enzymes help break down proteins, the process of which makes it ideal as a meat tenderizer. Papaya has long been used in folk medicine to relieve pain, swelling, and...

When is the Best Time to Take Probiotics?

We often get asked when is the best time to take probiotics – morning, evening, before or after food. Taking probiotics at any time is better than not taking them at all, of course, but taking probiotics at the right time can optimize the health benefits of this...

Why Constipation Happens?

 In the process of human body’s absorption of nutrients, the last hurdle is called “large intestine”. Large intestine contains cecum, colon, rectum and other parts. It is responsible for re-absorbing water and electrolytes in food and then...

10 Steps to Colon Health

  March is colon cancer awareness month. Here are some tips to improve not only colon health but your immune system, and inflammation in general. Eat fiber from fruits and vegetables. We need a minimum of 25 grams of fiber daily. The average vegan eats about 46...

Gastric Pain: Location, Symptoms and Natural Remedies

When is the gastric pain not normal? When an otherwise healthy person experiences pain, it’s like an alarm from the body that something is wrong. Abdominal pain that occurs as a result of self-limiting conditions like stomach flu (gastroenteritis) is not...

Do we need both Prebiotics and Probiotics?

Prebiotics and Probiotics sound similar, however, their roles are totally different in the digestive system. Prebiotics are special. Prebiotic fiber goes through the small intestine undigested and fermented when it reaches the large colon. This fermentation process...

Bloating non-stop, How?

  Are you facing any symptom as below?- obesity or underweight- hormonal imbalance- allergies & low immunity- premature ageing and low healing- poor sleeping quality- muscle aches & joint stiffness- fatigue, unable to concentrate- poor digestion, prone to...

10 Interesting Facts About Our Digestive System

 The digestive system is a fascinating and essential part of our body that plays a vital role in breaking down the food we consume, extracting nutrients, and eliminating waste. Comprising a series of organs, glands, and processes, the digestive system ensures that our...
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