How dangerous is insomnia?

 I (Leon) have recently seen several patients who were concerned their insomnia symptoms would increase their risk for dementia. They were in their 70s and were waking up two or three times a night, which they took to be insomnia. But they were not impaired in the...

Stress Hormones: What They Do To Our Body?

 We’re all familiar with the sensation of stress. Whether you’re stuck in traffic, caring for a sick loved one, or facing a looming work deadline, stress manifests as a state of heightened alertness, anxiety, and tension. Physiologically, this state...

The Impact of Stress on the Body

The Short-Term Effects Of Stress When we experience stress, our bodies release stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones activate the “fight or flight” response, which prepares the body to deal with a perceived threat. The body...

10 Tips For A Better Sleep

Sleep is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle, yet many of us struggle to get enough high-quality sleep on a regular basis. Lack of sleep can have a range of negative effects on physical and mental health, including increased risk for chronic conditions such as...

Why Blood Pressure Rises With Age Despite Adopting A Healthy Lifestyle?

Blood pressure tends to increase with age for several reasons, even if someone adopts a healthy lifestyle. Blood pressure tends to rise with age for a variety of reasons, including changes in the structure and function of blood vessels, hormonal changes, and lifestyle...

9 Top Tips For Managing High Blood Pressure

  You could have high blood pressure and not know it. Since it has no symptoms, it’s called a “silent killer.” If you’re one of the millions of adults who need to manage their blood pressure, you can start today with these nine tips.     1. Hold the French...

Can Women Consume Tongkat Ali?

Short answer: YesWomen are increasingly curious how Tongkat Ali can benefit their health. In fact, many female athletes, working adults and housewives are consuming Tongkat Ali.Tongkat Ali is known to foster male health and wellbeing, due to the fact that it is a...

3 Keys to Anti-Aging – CyanthOx™

Puredia developed a new antioxidant extract from a SuperBerry called Sea Buckthorn, CyanthOx™. Standardized with potent Polyphenols like Proanthocyanidins and Flavonoids, CyanthOx™ is proven to slow down aging by three mechanisms: Rejuvenate, Energize, and...

DHT – A Hormone That Causes Hair Loss In Both Male And Female

If you have noticed your hair starting to thin or recede, it’s easy to stress over what’s causing it to happen. Is it stress? A bad diet? Unlucky genetics? Or is it a lifestyle factor you can fix through a change in behavior?The reality is that hair loss in men is...

5 Ways To Keep Our Bones Healthy As We Age

Just like everything else, our bones change with age. As we age, it’s normal to notice small changes. A few more wrinkles. A little gray hair. But most of us don’t realize the effect aging has on our skeletal systems.   How Bones Change?   The body naturally...

Alkaline-Forming Food For Bone Health

Acidic and Alkaline Forming Food When is come to which type of food is acidic or alkaline, it is not quite what people may think. You think acid, and you think of vinegar or orange juice or soda pop. However what matters is not the acidity or alkalinity of the food or...

Using Stem Cells To Reverse Aging?

Why We Age?Aging is a complex biological process in which cells become progressively damaged over time and eventually die. As we age, fewer and fewer cells are replaced, slowly wearing out our bodies. This means that over time the damage accumulated in our bodies will...

How Stem Cells Can Repair Our Body

 Somatic Cells (Normal Body Cells)All the cells of the body are called somatic cells. They are specialized cells that do one specific thing; they will never do anything else, and they do not proliferate. For example, a skin cell will never be anything other than a...

Top 5 Benefits Of French Maritime Pine Bark

Not many people know that French pine bark is a good source of numerous phytochemicals which are natural compounds occurring in plants to support better health. It is a nutritional supplement made from the bark of pine trees grown along the coast of southwest France....

Top 5 Benefits Of Grape Seed Extract

The French Paradox The French culture has many foods with high amounts of saturated fat including croissants and buttery cakes and bread, full-fat sauces to name a few. Of the many different foodstuffs, it is the dairy sourced fat (saturated fat) that is significantly...

Natural Nootropics: How To Boost Productivity & Concentration?

 What Are Natural Nootropics?Nootropics are any compounds, supplements, or drugs designed to improve cognitive function. They’re used by people all over the world to improve intelligence, creativity, and motivation. In addition to supercharging productivity,...

10 Things That Affect Our Body If We Don’t Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is magical, and few things are better than a good night’s rest. But what happens when you find yourself not getting enough sleep? Do a few restless nights really matter? Your body uses sleep wisely, taking that precious time to build up your immune system,...

Top 5 Benefits Of Fulvic Acid

What Is Fulvic Acid?  Fulvic acid is a super-nutrient that literally comes from the dirt. It’s an organic compound found in water and soil, made when plants and animals decompose. You might not hear fulvic acid named quite as often as probiotics, fish oil, or kombucha...

The Role of Copper in The Appearance of Grey Hair

  What is copper? Copper (Cu) is an essential trace element in both humans and animals. The human body only contains approximately 100 mg of Cu, so it is required in small quantities. As a transition metal, it is a cofactor in many enzymatic reactions and in addition...
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