How Much Vitamin K Should You Take?

What is Vitamin K? Vitamin K was discovered in 1929 as an essential nutrient for blood coagulation (blood clotting). The initial discovery was reported in a German scientific journal, where it was called “Koagulationsvitamin” — which is where the “K” comes...

Consultation With Vinitha

Vinitha is a Singapore-based Wholistic Health Practitioner, former nurse turned chef who provides the following health consultation services: To live well and age healthily. To achieve sustainable healthy weight management. To manage illnesses naturally without...

Do we need both Prebiotics and Probiotics?

Prebiotics and Probiotics sound similar, however, their roles are totally different in the digestive system. Prebiotics are special. Prebiotic fiber goes through the small intestine undigested and fermented when it reaches the large colon. This fermentation process...

The Importance of Natural Vitamin C in Our Body

Vitamin C plays an important role in our immune function by improving the activity of some white blood cells and also allowing our immune system to communicate and coordinate its attack against invaders.   Vitamin C is responsible for hundreds of processes within our...

Health Considerations for Teenagers and Adults

Healthy Eating Starts With Teenagers Adolescence is a time of rapid growth and the main dietary need is for energy which is evident due to an increased in appetite. It goes without saying that the foods contributing to dietary energy should be conform to the healthy...

Health and Nutrition For Toddlers and Young Children

Throughout our lives it is important that we eat a balanced diet. A balanced diet is one that gets most of its energy from carbohydrates with few servings of protein and at least 5 portions of fruits and vegetables per day from the age of five years old. The nutrients...

Benefits of Yoghurt

Yoghurt is easy to digest and an excellent source of protein and natural antibiotic. For the best results, we need to consume live yoghurt. Yoghurt is a living food which is produce by the way friendly bacteria, known as Lactobacillus acidophilus, acts on the sugar in...

Immune System Boosters Food

How The Immune System Works? The basic task of the immune system is to identify what is “self” (naturally belonging to the body) and what is “non-self” (foreign or otherwise harmful material), and then neutralize or destroy that which is...

NutriHub Culinary Art

NutriHub Culinary Art is an enterprise set up by Vinitha with this mission “Inspiring You to inspire others..Healthy Vegan Diet not just add years to yr life, but life to yr years” Healthy Living & Culinary Workshops: NutriMeal™ NutriRaw™ NutriBake™...

Phytonutrients | Juices & Smoothies

Juices and smoothies are the ideal fast food for today’s fast paced lifestyle. They contain all the benefits of the whole fruit in a concentrated form. For example, a pack of carrots can be a significant source of calcium and protein, but it’s simply hard...

Dietary Fiber

Fiber is a natural component of the most fruits and vegetables. The fibrous content is responsible for its texture, for example, the crispness of an apple. Fiber is calorie-free and a diet high in natural fiber is more filling. Dietary fiber promotes a healthier bowel...
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