Change Your Lifestyle & Habits

Overcoming lupus requires a multifaceted, functional approach. Take steps to care for your body if you have lupus. Simple measures can help you prevent lupus flares and, should they occur, better cope with the signs and symptoms you experience.

  • Visit your doctor regularly. Having regular checkups instead of only seeing your doctor when your symptoms worsen may help your doctor prevent flare-ups, and can be useful in addressing routine health concerns, such as stress, diet and exercise that can be helpful in preventing lupus complications.
  • Be sun smart. Because ultraviolet light can trigger a flare, wear protective clothing — such as a hat, long-sleeved shirt and long pants — and use sunscreens with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 55 every time you go outside.
  • Get regular exercise. Exercise can help keep your bones strong, reduce your risk of heart attack and promote general well-being.
  • Reduce stress. Research shows that psychological and emotional stress can set off lupus (and other autoimmune diseases) or bring about a lupus flare-up by increasing inflammatory responses
  • Don’t smoke. Smoking increases your risk of cardiovascular disease and can worsen the effects of lupus on your heart and blood vessels.
  • Eat a healthy diet. A healthy diet emphasizes fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Sometimes you may have dietary restrictions, especially if you have high blood pressure, kidney damage or gastrointestinal problems.


lupus food to avoid

Food to Avoid

Some foods that can contribute to lupus and make autoimmune disease symptoms worse include:

  • Gluten: Gluten is a type of protein found in wheat, barley, rye and most flour-containing products. Gluten intolerance is common because it’s difficult for many people to digest properly. This can increase leaky gut syndrome, inflammation or trigger a lupus flare-up.
  • Trans fat and sometimes saturated fats: These fats are found in fast food, many fried foods and packaged/processed foods, and can lead to inflammation and heart problems. Some people with lupus have a hard time metabolizing saturated fats and should limit cheese, red meat, creamy foods and packaged foods.
  • Added sugar: Too much sugar can overstimulate the immune system and increase pain.
  • High-sodium foods: Because lupus can damage the kidneys — in fact, lupus nephritis is a type of kidney disease caused by systemic lupus erythematosus — it’s best to try to keep sodium and salt levels low to prevent fluid retention, worsened swelling and electrolyte imbalances.
  • Alcohol and too much caffeine: These can increase anxiety, worsen inflammation, damage the liver, increase pain, and cause dehydration and sleep-related problems.


Natural Supplement For Lupus

Essentially, lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the body’s own healthy tissue and organs. It causes high levels of persistent inflammation, which can negatively affect nearly every part of the body.

We would like to introduce our product call NitroVar™ – a Macrobiotic Raw Food in powder form that encourages healthy cellular growth and cell division. It is made of young broccoli sprouts, young asparagus sprouts, cloves, grape skin, blackberries seeds, pear seeds, plum seeds and prune seeds. All ingredients are grown and harvested in the USA.

Vespro nitrovar

Sulforaphane Combats Autoimmune Inflammation

Broccoli sprouts are rich in sulforaphane which is a crucial phytonutrient in combating autoimmune inflammation. Sulforaphane has potent anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory activities which inhibit the body’s mechanism of sending inflammation signals to cell nuclei.

broccoli sprouts

As an antioxidant, sulforaphane is very much capable of reducing inflammation. Because it scavenges free radicals, it can support any type of disease or illness related to or caused by inflammation anywhere in the body. For this reason, sulforaphane’s benefits to the body know no bounds and branch out into a wide range of specific sub-benefits that are each incredibly valued and unparalleled. In fact, one of these may be helping with skin inflammation.

NitroVar™ serves as an immune system modulator. It is formulated based on Okinawa raw food diet which works synergistically to support autoimmune diseases like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis.


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