Protection from the effects of haze Haze Composition

According to a study of the chemical composition of haze conducted in Peninsular Malaysia (Malacca & Klang Valley), there is a significant increase in free radicals like cations (NH4+, Na2+, Ca2+, K+, Mg2+), anions (NO3, SO42−, Cl) and heavy metals (Fe, Zn, Pb, Mn, Cu, Ni). In addition, the high concentrations of NO3 and SO42− has contributed to the acidic pH of rain water during this period!

Protection From The Effects of Haze

Vespro liveberriesLiveBerries is the best protection against the harmful oxidation effects of haze. Put a cut apple out in the haze and it will oxidize, aged and become rusty brown within 5 minutes. Same happens to all of us.

LiveBerries when consumed twice daily after food during the haze, is like installing a powerful air ionizer INSIDE our body to scrub internal air pollution. It uses food based antioxidants to neutralize the negatively and positively charged haze hence neutralizing its harmful oxidizing effects.

Consuming regular Vitamin C tablets or any antioxidants that contain only high ORAC values during the haze is not of much use in a 24 hour hazy circumstance as both are easily oxidized very quickly by the haze. Its like a powerful gun running out of ammunition in the middle of a 24 hour battle without ammunition re-supply. The guns run dry. Vulnerable.

The LiveBerries advantage

Oxidized Vitamin C and regular ORAC products cannot re-charge/refresh/ reawaken itself and leaves the patient unprotected unless Vitamin C is supported by its teammates Natural ellagic acid derivatives, ellagitannins, proanthocyanidins, bioflavonoids, tocopherols. All are naturally contained in berries purees. They recharge, refresh and reawaken each other once they have taken a serious hit from the deadliest free radical called peroxide radical.

It is this strategy that ensures a continuous cycle of “antioxidant recycling” in our bodies throughout the hazy period.

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