*Disclaimer: Please note that the effects of our products vary from person to person. The testimonies in this website are provided by our customers and they should not be taken as medical advises. Here is our full medical disclaimer
Im taking blood pressure medicine from government hospital and recently i went through google and found some information regarding Bio Natto. I started to take a month a noticed that my blood pressure level decrease and maintain to normal range. Started onwards i decided to continue this dynamic product. I felt very happy that can found some products where is very good for my health.
Kaliappen K.
*I have high blood pressure up to 180/100 and the doctor prescribe me with blood pressure and cholesterol medicine. After taking the doctor medicine for a few week with I got very bad side effects. I felt very weak and cannot even walk out to the garden. My blood pressure did not decrease and I was very desperate and decided to stop my medication.
I was introduce to BioNatto by a friend and decided to try taking it. After taking 3 bottles, I feel much better and regain my strength. I could continue my daily life and blood pressure drop to 130.
Now I’m very confident with BioNatto and it does not have any side effect like my doctor medicine. With longer time, I hope my health will continue to improve.
Chan Kee @ Chang Kee, Age 73, Kuala Lumpur
*I am suffering from angina and insomnia.
In Year 2009 one night I could not sleep and barely sleep for 2 hours only, that has been going on for couple of week so I decide to go for medical check up. The result said that my heart is fine but my blood pressure is a little high which is 140/90, so they diagnose me for hypertension. After taking the blood pressure medication for almost 2 year with no improvement so I decide to stop the medication.
Most of the time my heart pumping is not stable and I can feel that, but when I tell this to the doctor he said that I am suffering from anxiety. So I do a research in the internet and found natto. After reading about natto I understand that there are many type of natto in the market, so I found bionatto and it from Malaysia, so i can order easily.
After taking for 3 months I feel my angina is less a bit, not so much pain. so continue for almost a year I feel that my angina is on and off, and I start to wonder is the bionatto right for me? But I decide to continue further, right one and half year, one morning when I wake up, my upper heart arteries and lower heart arteries tingling, I can feel something is moving in my arteries and after that my heart feel a lot lighter, from that point I know that bionatto is doing its job, if I continue another 2-3 year I think all my blockage will eventually be cleared.
CS Chan, Penang
*I experienced severe chest pain several times at night about 3 years ago. The doctor at University Hospital has advised me to do a heart by-pass surgery to solve my heart problem. I was terrified of going for this surgery and did a search on alternatives. I found BioNatto through a friend and started taking it (2 caps in the morning and the evening).
After taking BioNatto for the past 1.5 years, my condition improved dramatically and I experience no more chest pain. In fact, I do not feel safe to go to bed without taking BioNatto!
Mr. Ang Ching Hon, Age 62, USJ1 Subang Jaya,Selangor
*I have been taking prescription medicine to control my HBP (High Blood Pressure) for several years. Although it helped to control my condition, I have experienced many side effects of the medication.
For the past 1.5 years I took BioNatto together with my regular medicine to control my HBP. In the last 4 months, I took only BioNatto (2 caps in the morning and the evening) to control my HBP and now my blood pressure is perfectly normal. In the cause of taking BioNatto, I realized that my morning numbness and tingling of my hands and feet disappeared.
Madam Chen Sow Chan, Age 88, USJ18 Subang Jaya,Selangor
*In 2006, I experienced stroke which caused me to be wheelchair-bound. I also had problems lifting my arm and opening the palm. I started taking BioNatto (2 caps in the morning and the evening). After completing 2 bottles, I can slowly lift my arm and open my palm. I feel much better and my overall health condition much improved.
Mr. Gan Chin Tee, Age 59, Jalan Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur
*Khairani, mother of 2 children had been struggling on losing weight and her waist line. Introduced to AshiSlim, about the benefits of the product, started consuming for a month. Without any exercise since she was busy raising 2 little children, she had lost 2.5 inches of her waist line, and 3 kg of her weight. AshiSlim proven to be useful for her since he had no time to exercise.
“For the first week consuming AshiSlim, I lost 1 inch from my tummy. After continuing for another week, I lost 2.5 inches with extra exercise and cardio. I tried to consume without any diet or exercise for the following 2 weeks. Amazing maintaining my waist line, and even lost 2.5 inches on the process,”
*Anas explains his experience on how he lost 2 inches after consuming 1 box of AshiSlim. The consumption was 2 sachet per day. 1 sachet after breakfast 1 sachet after dinner. The product consumption were consistently taken and the result is amazing. He lost 2 inches and has nothing to with any exercise or diet plan. This proof that the product actually working for someone who has no time to exercise or have no diet plan routine.
“I have already finished consuming AshiSlim for 1 box. Consuming everyday. Lost 2 inches with no diet, and no exercise at all,”
*Nazirul is a typical Malaysian, he loves local food. In his daily meal, the curry is a must in the meal. Currently, he feels hard to button up his extra big size cloth, then he realizes that he is overweight and needs to slim down. He took 2 sachets of AshiSlim in the morning and night daily for a month time and the result is amazing!
The weight from 100.6kg dropped to 93.8kg after consuming for 1 month!
*Ayda is a local student from UITM Puncak Alam. She consumed the product everyday for 15 days. She did various exercise such cardio and jogging for alongside with consuming the product. Turns out really amazing that she lost her waist for 5 inches in 15 days time with a consistency of consuming the product. 2 sachet everyday – 1 after breakfast. 1 after dinner.
“I’ve been using AshiSlim for 15 day now, and I have lost 5 inches. I did cardio everyday, but it was very hard to reduce my belly fats. After adding AshiSlim to my routine, it was really helpful and I am really happy with the result,”
*Camelia who recently gave birth to her child gain so much during her pregnancy. In other to lose weight fast, she consumed AshiSlim consistently, a few weeks after. She did not apply any exercise and still eat normal meal every single day. Turns out to be wonderful as she lost 2 inches after consuming 2 sachet of AshiSlim everyday in 2 weeks. AshiSlim does not effect her hormones as she can breast feed her daughter as usual. It improves her blood flow and activate her immune system so she could revive her energy after giving birth.
“Lots of people had been asking me on how I lost my pregnancy weight. I took AshiSlim consistently and for 2 weeks, I have lost 2 inches of my tummy,”.
*Shahrizal, age 27. Before he consume AshiSlim his weight was 121kg. Due to busy of retails work, he is unable to spend much time to exercise. After recommended by friend, he decided to take 3 boxes of AshiSlim and consume for a month time.
After a month, he successful reduce his weight from 121 kg to 113.8 kg!
*“Very easy to consume. My opinion ,it doesn’t taste bad at all. It made me wanted to go to the toilet occasionally but I lost my waist line quicker than ever. Since I’ve been jogging for almost 2 months now, it boosted my energy and I was 64.7kg last time, currently reaching 55kg,“.
*Nurul tried few slimming products and exercises but her waistline is still the same. After consuming AshiSlim for a month, she loses 2 inches! Other than that, she also feels refresh and more energetic.
*Okay. No side effect. Convenient.
Candy Foo
*Hi, after taking AshiSlim for about 2 mths I have lost 2 kilos.
Inches lost is prominent on my waist.
This product is safe with no side effects.
Valar Nayar, Kuala Lumpur
*It is good. I feel tummy not so bloated. Bowels movement is better. Will continue taking it
Chua Li Li
*I don’t feel anything – But I can see the effectiveness of products from my figure in terms of my weight, body fat percentage and visceral fat reduction after 2 months
Wan Fariza
*I’m really happy like me like to take junk food very frequent, and the same time I lose weight
Kwa Siaw Yew
*Selepas beberapa minggu kinah minum dan amalkan Super Bio Organic, kinah dapati masalah sembelit dah mula berkurangan. Proses membuang pun lancar. Dah takde duduk lama dalam bilik air. Badan pun dah mula rasa ringan yela kan ada berlakunya proses detoks. Disebabkan toksin yang banyak dalam badan menyebakan kita ni sukar untuk membuang dan badan pun lemah, mudah letih.
Nurul Sakinah
*KakYa dah cuba Super Bio-Organic. Apa yang boleh KakYa cakap KakYa sukakan produk ni sebab warna dia hijau hahaha takde la bukan sebab warna dia hijau tapi sebab KakYa dapat rasakan perubahan selepas mengamalkan Super Bio-Organic.
Rasa badan makin ringan dek kerana toksin dah berkurang dalam badan kot. Satu lagi kan, bila umur makin meningkat badan mudah letih dan kurang bermaya. Dengan Super Bio-Organic, KakYa rasa lebih bertenaga dan dapat bagi lebih tumpuan untuk kerja kerja KakYa. Alhamdulillah, Super Bio-Organic semakin serasi dengan KakYa
Kak Lya
*Mula-mula cuba tu memang rasa lain la sebab bahan yang digunakan semuanya organik. Tiada rasa tambahan. Semua semulajadi dari bahan-bahan yang terbaik. Cik Nor ni jenis tak kisah, ada rasa ke tak tak penting. Apa yang penting semuanya semulajadi tanpa apa-apa bahan tambahan.
Apa yang menarik Super Bio-Organic ni, bila kita menggunakannya secara konsisten secara automatik melancarkan sistem pencernaan. Selepas menggunakan produk ini, Cik Nor tak perlu tunggu lama untuk melepaskan hajat besar. hehe. Clear and smooth jer. Siapa yang tak makan sayur boleh cuba Super Bio-Organic ni, gerenti puas hati.
Cik Nor
*The effect on me was almost immediate – within a few days I could feel the difference. Passing motion became a natural process for me every morning when I visit the toilet. I used to have indigestion and constipation problems, and serious hemorrhoids. I felt “cleansed” (the feeling was really good), and I even started to enjoy going to clear myself out. My hemorrhoids no longer comes to disturb me too! Thanks to a family member who recommended this product to me.
Jess, Singapore
*In the past 3 years, i have been taking 1 scoop per day. It has permanently solved my constipation problem. Before this I always feel heavy and bloated but now I feel much lighter…
Ong Bin Chye, Kedah
*Recently many fall in sick due to the bad weather, mouse mommy and kids were having Dynamic Nutrition VesPro LiveBerries to boost up our immunity. Love the LiveBerries that consists of blackberry, strawberry, raspberry, boysenberry, cherry, blueberry, cranberry and mulberry that free from preservatives and colouring.
Baby MH was having flu and cough, mouse mommy mix 1 sachet of LiveBerries in cold boiled water in his bottle for him to drink. Natural sweet berries taste that he loves too and finished it.
The nectar of Wild Berries Beverage Powder also been tested to have 8,000 TE of ORAC value of each serving. Non freezed dried, Cold Spray processing technology, no preservatives, no colouring and no fillers or bulking agent.
Wui Kathy
*Pada pendapat Mak, pengambilan Polyphenol adalah sangat penting terutamanya bagi wanita moden seperti kita yang sentiasa sibuk. Pengambilan makanan tambahan seperti ini adalah lebih mudah; 1 sachet LiveBerries bersamaan dengan 1.5 cawan beri berkualiti.
Secara amnya, kita perlukan kira-kira 4000 TE/ORAC sehari. Vespro Liveberries mengandungi 8000 ORAC, Mak minum selang sehari dan sekotak boleh tahan 40 hari. Bukan sahaja ia membantu mengekalkan tahap kesihatan yang baik, ianya juga melambatkan proses penuaan akibat stress dan radikal bebas serta yang paling penting; kulit kekal cantik lebih lama secara semulajadi 😉
*Kalau bab rasa ia tak manis dan tak pahit sangat. Ada juga rasa masam sikit. Eh nama pun campuran buah-buahan kan, mesti lah rasa macam-macam. Badan pun lebih bertenaga selepas amalkanya.. and one more thing, rasa emosi busyra lebih stabil. Bukan nak cakap emosi busyra tak menentu. haha. Tapi ia boleh bagi kitarasa lebih tenang dan tak terlalu stress dengan kerja seharian.
Busyra Takiyudin
VesPro LiveZymes
*Mula-mula takut juga nak minum sebab selalunya minuman detox ni tak sedap...haha nampak sangat takut makan ubat kan.Tapi bila kak lin cuba minum eh sedapnyerrr....rasa oren uolsss....wah terus teruja nak minum...terus senyum jer sebab rasanya yang sedap dan keberkesanan LiveZymes ni..lega sungguh perut dan serta merta sendawa keluar angin.. bila hari-hari kak lin amalkan alhamdulilah dah takde masalah sembelit...malah pembuangan terus jadi lancar dan perut rasa ringan.
Lin Liena
*Semasa pertama kali membuka 1 sachet LiveZymes, saya terkejut menghidu bau dari dalam sachet. Wangi betul. Aroma buah buahan. Bau nenas paling kuat. Saya tuang serbuk ke dalam cawan, serbuknya berwarna putih bersih. Saya berfikir, mesti warna airnya akan berwarna putih sama seperti serbuk tersebut. Tapi nampaknya, saya tersilap. Apabila kita tuangkan air ke dalam cawan yang mengandungi serbuk LiveZymes, warnanya bertukar menjadi kuning! Waaa...menyelerakan. Dah la bau nenas kuat.
Saya dan Mr.Bee boleh minum pantas 1 cawan tu. Terus habiskan. Tak perlu berhenti henti lagi dah sebab rasanya sedap. Walaupun begitu, tak manis. So memang bagus untuk kesihatan. Bagus untuk penghadaman tapi manis tak bagus juga kan?
Masa minum pertama kali, kesan yang paling ketara adalah pembuangan gas. Wahaha... Perut rasa selesa sebab buang angin lancar. Tak kembung perut.
Jasmine Lam
*As a mother who breastfeed I need more supplement because most of my vitamin and calcium will goes to my baby but it is okay cause I do take additional supplement to maintain it. I take LiveAcerola C900 as my vitamin C supplement because it contains natural vitamin C in it and it taste like berries.
So you can tell that baby Bing doesn't get a whole lot of iron in his diet unfortunately. And it's not easy for him to take vitamins either. After pulling a few more hairs out, we discovered LiveAcerola C900. This a a supplement containing both iron and vitamin C.
So instead of a whole sachet, I only used a quarter of the sachet for baby Bing. Mix it in about 30ml of warm water and it tastes just like my childhood favorite Ribena. Or make it simpler, make the whole drink but only give him a quarter haha. Yum!
LiveAcerole C900 can also be consumed by healthy adults like Mr husband.
Dr. Angel Ho
Organic Ashitaba
Physical effects: I feel less prone to fatigue and even when I sleep late, I can still function normally the next day. I used to be so groggy but not so much now. Perhaps I’ll see more improvement soon.
Taste: It’s semi-sweet, with a little hint of ‘green’ flavour. Imagine a less potent matcha, with some stevia in it.
Diana Lee
Cik Sue dah amalkan hampir 2 minggu Alhamdulillah rasa ringan badan ,lawas sangat pagi-pagi,cramp kaki malam-malam pun dah kurang.Insya Allah nak cuba habiskan satu botol ni dulu,ingatnak beli juga tuk abah ngan ma,sebab khasiatnya memang bagus ni.
Sue Izza
Premium Organic Red Beet Crystals
I chose the 100% Organic Red Beet because of its high nutritional value, which I think offers enough minerals and vitamins to cover what my body needs daily. Besides, if you have any heart problems or high blood pressure, Red Beet is good in improving on your health situation. It also improves your liver health.
Dynamic Nutrition Red Beet Crystals dissolves instantly, and taste sweet when drink. It also blends well with fruit juices, milk products, breakfast cereals and can even take the crystals directly (which I personally tried). It tastes sweet and sour when consumed directly!
Crystal Joey
对于那些不敢吃红甜菜的宝贝呢,你们就可以选择这个Premium Organic Red Beet 啦~ 味道非常棒哦!
现在的我每日都会饮用 2-4 次,偶尔也会加入果汁内,奶制品或麦片饮用。当然懒惰时,也会直接从瓶子里干取直吃啦。呵呵~
Chistina Ho
Personally I love this because of its high nutritional value, which I think offers enough minerals and vitamins to cover what our body needs daily.
The Dynamic Nutrition Red Beet Crystals dissolves instantly, and it taste sweet when you drink it... It also blends pretty well with fruit juices... and you can even take the crystals directly (which I personally tried). It tastes sweet and sour when consumed directly!
Miera Nadhirah
“You can really taste the cranberry and it’s good, I love cranberries. lol The direction to drink it is to mix a sachet in a 250ml of water then gulp away. I would say Uri-Comfort is something that could come handy to me in a long run cause as you know or you may not, there are high chances of a women to have UTI through their lifetime and it would come back on occasions. I had my few UTI moments and I don’t think I want it to come back. Lol thanks to Uri-Comfort now I don’t have to worry bout quenching my pain away during another UTI moment.”
Carmen Dianne
Black Elderberry Juice
My verdict :
- The taste is pleasant! It has a sweet blackberry taste and you’ll feel like you’re drinking juice instead
- Sachet size is small and easy to bring around in your bag to office or anywhere you go!
- Doesn’t need to add in a lot of water, just 150ml will do.
- My nasal congestion has been recurring less frequently now
- Besides, my nose also doesn’t act up as bad as before whenever I’m in a cold environment
Yi Sin
"Dah consume CORDYZYME dan setakat ni Qiss dapat rasa ada perubahan kat badan Qiss. Badan rasa lebih ringan dan aktif. Sebab Cordyzyme ni membantu melancarkan perjalanan darah dan buatkan kita senang detoks."https://www.qisstiera.com/2019/07/amalkan-cordyzyme-untuk-detoks-dan.html
Balqis Athirah
"After taking this for the past few days, I feel less fatigue, less bloated and more energetic. Highly recommended for those who always feel tired easily, feel bloated, eat less vegetables. If you have any of these symptons, please try Cordyzyme." http://yeelinda.blogspot.com/2019/07/cordyzyme-enzymes-peptite-with.html
Linda Yee
Dear Dynamic Nutrition, ![]()
Thanks for giving your customers this opportunity to buy with more value. Also thank you for my birthday code which I just used this morning.
I started with the collagen and never thought I would continue to rely so much on this one brand (and I am a member of so many). With time, your brand has come to prove its quality and effectiveness! And I find myself reaching out almost exclusively to Dynamic Nutrition for my needs. I, myself, am astounded.
The cordyceps with enzymes is the latest product I am using and I have gone on to buy the capsules as well. I had been hospitalised with a bout of bronchitis and read that cordyceps was good in promoting lung function, hence, my purchase.
No doubt enzymes are essential for the body and I can be rest assured with the quality backing of Dynamic Nutrition for CORDYZYME, enzymes peptide with Cordyceps, it would definitely contribute to my well being.
Wish you all the best and continue to be one of the top brands in the market. Take care and stay safe!
Tibetan Seaberry
"After consuming Tibetan Seaberry, I feel more energetic and healthier." https://yeelinda.blogspot.com/2020/03/tibetan-seaberry.html
Linda Yee
For my personal opinion after consuming the product for 1 month / 1 box ( 20 sachets )
- More energized and focus to do daily routines. I'm not easily tired after consuming TS.
- Feel more relaxed and calmer ( I have mild anxiety )
- Notice that my lip are more moist and not more cracked lips. 👄
- Eyes are not easily tired or itchy , even more moist too even-though I'm constantly on my phone and laptop doing my work 👀
- My skin feels hydrated and looks better. Looks glowing and clearer skin than before. No visible acne after consuming TS.💕
- Usually before my menstrual start, I would at-least have 2-3 acne on my face, so I know the signs of my menstrual schedule 😓😭, but amazingly there was 😃!!
- Before my menstrual cycle start, I would have another sign beside acne, white discharge. Usually just a little bit came out and sometimes it smells funky a bit. But after consuming TS, I did have the white discharge and it was a LOT ! 😮😱 But it doesn't have any foul smell. While this was happening, my stomach was aching like when having menstrual as if it was trying to discharge all the bad stuff inside. I think after 2 days, it stops ! 😃
- And amazingly , My Menstrual Cycle came ON TIME as per schedule on my Cycle Apps ! 😊 and the best part is all through my menstrual cycle, I did not experience any painful stomach cramps like usual .YEAY !!!! 😚💪
Zaza Azman
I have been drinking this daily for past 2 weeks and can feel myself more energized and cheerful. It boosts my immune system as well because even through I got drenched in heavy rain, I feel perfectly fine meanwhile my friend got fever on the next day. My eyes feel less dry too. It used to feel very dry because laptop and phone are my best friend during this CMCO and they made my eyes very dry staring at screens all the time. On top of that, my skin and lips also feel more hydrated.http://www.myjourneykay.com/2020/05/tibetan-seaberry-complete-vegan-omega-3.html
Well, during this time being, I get to know about this organic Tibetan fruit that are rich with nutrients that can help in boosting our immune system.
Karen Liew