Rose hip is the fruit that develops from the blossoms of the wild rose plant. It is also known as rose hep and rose haw. It ranges in color from orange to purplish black and usually develops in the latter part of the growing season, around late summer to autumn.


Functions of Rose Hips

They were cultivated for a number of reasons, even as decoration due to their shape and color. Recently, the complete medicinal value was discovered. They were even used as pet food for animals because it was noticed that animals were particularly attracted to the scent and taste of these small fruit pods. When people began eating the components of rose hips, a great deal of attention shifted towards the potential it had for their health.

The most common forms of rose hips include jams, jellies, soups, tisanes, bread, wine, pies, and even marmalade. They are an extremely versatile ingredient enjoyed by people all around the globe, either due to the delicious flavor or for the nutritional benefits!


The Nutritional Value of Rose Hips

The vitaminsminerals, organic compounds, and other essential nutrients in rose hips pack a very powerful punch! Some of these beneficial components include vitamin C, A, E, and vitamin B-complex, as well as minerals like calciumironseleniummanganesemagnesium, phosphorous, potassium, sulfur, silicon, and zinc. Furthermore, the organic compounds, such as lycopene, pectin, lutein, and beta-carotene, are also very powerful and essential for the body. The antioxidant components, which include flavonoids, phytochemicals, and carotenoids also contribute to their health benefits.


The Health Benefits of Rose Hips


Anti-cancer Properties

The carotenoids, flavonoids, and polyphenols that can be found in rose hips are very powerful antioxidants, which eliminate or neutralize free radicals found within the body. Free radicals are the by-products of cellular metabolism that damage healthy cells by causing them to mutate into cancerous cells, or simply killing them off. According to a study published in theInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences (2017), rose hips may have an anti-inflammatory effect as well as anti-cancer properties. However, further research is needed to gauge its potential therapeutic role against chronic diseases.


Lower Cholesterol

The organic compounds and antioxidant components in rose hips also reduce the LDL cholesterol in your body, thereby reducing strain on your cardiovascular system and also lowering your chances of suffering a stroke or a heart attack.


Boost Immunity

Rose hips have an impressive amount of vitamin C, which is one of the best components to boost the immune system. Vitamin C stimulates white blood cells and is also essential for the prevention of asthma and the general health of the respiratory system. This can be seen in the reduction of respiratory conditions such as cold and flu through the intake of rose hips and its high levels of vitamin C.


Control Diabetes

Rose hips have been shown to strictly regulate the blood sugar level of the body, which is very important for people suffering from diabetes. By keeping the balance of insulin and glucose in the body, they can prevent sudden plunges or spikes in blood sugar that can be deadly.


Aid in Digestion

The various acids within rose hips, as well as pectin, are known to induce urination and excretion. As a diuretic rose hips can help eliminate toxins from the body, as well as excess salts, liquids, and even fat. By stimulating bowel movements, rose hips can help a person avoid a number of unfortunate health conditions and discomforts.


Skin Care

People all over the world want their skin to look more beautiful, blemish-free, and youthful. There are hundreds of products and potential treatments for tightening and toning the skin and rose hips are one of the best options. The astringent quality of rose hips keeps the skin elastic, so it doesn’t develop wrinkles. It eliminates the flaws easily, heals the burns and scars, and makes the skin look younger and vibrant.


Improve Circulation

Rose hips have a significant amount of iron, which is an essential component in the creation of red blood cells. Therefore, having an adequate amount of rose hips in your diet can prevent anemia and also keep your essential organs well-oxygenated, thus increasing metabolic activity and optimizing the functionality of various organ systems.


Enhance Bone Health

One of the most important roles of vitamin C is its essential role in producing collagen. Collagen, along with the other important minerals found in rose hips, can help prevent osteoporosis by maintaining bone mineral density well into your old age, keeping you strong, flexible, and able to live an active life!


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