Propolis is a complex resinous bee product primarily composed of plant resins and beeswax, ranging in colour from brown to dark green. Of all of the propolis produced worldwide, Brazilian Green Bee Propolis is the most studied and coveted, due to its potent antioxidant and immune-strengthening benefits. As a powerful immune-boosting ingredient, Brazilian Green Bee propolis is the perfect supplement to take in the cold months to ward off colds and flu.


Brazilian Green Propolis

Brazilian green propolis gets its powerful health benefits from its main active ingredient, Artepillin-C (ARC), an antioxidant which has extremely potent anti-bacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and anti-ulcer properties. It is also a well-known liver protectant and an immune system booster. A recent Japanese study also found that ARC has anti-cancerous effects by inhibiting cancer cell and tumour growth. Aside from ARC, Brazilian green propolis also contains protein, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, phenolics, and terpenes, which is more diverse than the composition of any other propolis.


Why is Brazilian Green Propolis known as the Most Effective Propolis?

1. Brazilian Green Propolis Has The Highest Flavonoid

Sources of propolis can be found in various regions including Brazil, Australia, Europe, the United States and China. However, Brazilian Green Propolis contains the highest concentration of flavonoids, which gives propolis its green colour and produce the best grade of propolis with the highest level of flavonoids and Artepillin-C. Extracts of Brazilian green propolis possess antioxidant, antibiotic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antitumor properties. Brazillian Green Propolis can be taken orally to relieve flu, cough, inflammation, sore throat etc.

2. Harvested from Tropical Weather Condition

Brazil has the proper climate and environment for bees to produce propolis throughout the year. Bee propolis is usually sticky at and above room temperature (20 °C), but becomes very hard and brittle at lower temperatures, rendering it difficult to obtain or use in many countries during winter. However, the tropical weather condition in Brazil makes it ideal for harvesting propolis all year long.

3. Unique plant species in Brazil

The Brazilian rainforest provides a rich and unpolluted natural environment from which the bees could collect propolis. Propolis from other locations (European/North American/Argentinean, etc) is produced using 2 main kinds of plants (poplars and birches). Brazil is home to a unique plant species (Baccharis dracunculifolia) where Brazilian green propolis are collected from. The bees collect resins on the Baccharis dracunculifolia buds, which gives propolis its green colour and produce the best grade of propolis with the highest level of flavonoids and Artepillin-C.

4. Made by Africanized Honey Bees

Brazilian green propolis is made by Africanized Honey Bees (Apis mellifera), a species of honey bee with a unique method of collecting propolis which makes their propolis different from that of all other bees. Unlike other bees, Africanized bees literally cut the tips off buds of their plants so their propolis contains complete vegetal tissues instead of just the external parts of the buds. Therefore, Brazilian green propolis contains the membranes, cytoplasm, and nucleus of the vegetal cells and these vegetal structures contain more water-soluble substances than the poplar or birch version, making Brazilian green bee propolis more easily absorbed and more effective.

Comparison with other types of Propolis



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